Completed Projects
Govt of Pakistan Monitoring & Evaluation Consultants, National Program for Improvement of Natural Recources-II
World Bank Govt. of Sindh Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant, Sindh Irrigated Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project (SIAPEP)
DFID – Central Design Office Muzafarabad – Azad Jammu & Kashmir Monitoring and Evaluation of Support for Earthquake in Pakistan
DFID -UK Management and M&E advice to Agriculture Sector Reforms Project -AJK
Asian Development Bank ADB TA Strengthening Portfolio Performance and Monitoring
Germen Resident Mission (GRM) Monitoring & Evaluation of training for Department of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Evaluation of Devolution Support Project (CDSP)
DFID Monitoring and Evaluation of the Rural Support Programme Network
DFID Monitoring & Evaluation of DFID Regional Programme in the Earthquake Affected Areas
Director-General, Irrigation & Small Dams Department, Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Consulting Services for Monitoring and Evaluation of National Program for Improvement of Watercourses in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Project Director of Reform Support Unit, Government of Balochistan
Consulting Services for Monitoring and Evaluation and Institutional Analysis Reform Support Unit, Education & Literacy Department, Govt. of Balochistan
JICA Design of an M&E Framework for the three-year human rights project. Government of Pakistan
DFID M&E Advice to Ministry of Mineral Resources in Relation to the Core Minerals Policy – Government of Punjab
DFID Support to Monitoring & Evaluation of the Earthquake Reform & Redevelopment Plan
Government of Balochistan Third-Party Validation,
Training Institutes of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program (BBSYDP) Phase-I, Education & Literacy Department, Govt. of Balochistan
UNICEF Situation analysis on Protection Issues in Sialkot and its Neighbouring Districts, i.e., Gujranwala and Narowal.”, The study was sponsored by Child & Social Development Organization (CSDO), Sialkot Chamber of Commerce, and UNICEF Lahore, 2010
UNICEF Mobilization of Private Sector for Sustainable Elimination of Child Labour and Alternative Economic Opportunities through Market Survey to Identify Locally Demanded Trades in Sialkot.”, The project was sponsored by Child & Social Development Organization, Sialkot chamber of commerce, and UNICEF Lahore, 2009
Government of Punjab Traffic Study for “Sustainable Development of Walled City Project”, sponsored by TEPA, LDA, 2009
Government of Punjab Household Interview Survey in Lahore for Comprehensive Transportation Planning of the city, sponsored by TEPA, LDA, 2008-09
GHK International Review of Current Urban Transportation Situation in Pakistan, sponsored by GHK International / ADB, 2008-09
UNICEF School Listing and Mapping of Out-of-School (OOS) Children in 40 selected union councils of Lahore and Faisalabad, Sponsored by Social Welfare Department, Government of Punjab and UNICEF Lahore, 2008.
University of Punjab Independent Third Party Monitoring of Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) in Punjab. Sponsored by Punjab Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 007-08. The study was conducted by Social Work Department, University of the Punjab and Centre for Social Research and Development (CSRD) jointly.
UNICEF Capacity Building of Civil Society Organizations to Address Child Rights Issues in Balochistan. Sponsored by Social Welfare Department, Government of Balochistan and UNICEF Quetta, 2006.
UNICEF Field Testing of Global Indicators on Violence Against Children. Sponsored by UNICEF Islamabad, 2006. The study was conducted by Social Work Department, University of the Punjab and Centre for Social Research and Development (CSRD) jointly.
UNICEF Costing Study of First Level Health Facilities I Punjab. Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2005.
UNICEF Costing study of District and Tehsil Hospitals I Punjab. Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2005
UNICEF Situation Assessment and Mapping of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in Lahore, Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2005.
UNICEF Survey of NGOs Working for Child Protection in Lahore. Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2004. The study was conducted by BLCC and CSRD jointly.
UNICEF Independent Third Party Monitoring of Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) in Punjab-2003-04. Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2003-04. The study was conducted by BLCC and CSRD jointly.
UNICEF Independent Third Party Monitoring of Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) in Balochistan-2003-04. Sponsored by UNICEF Quetta, 2003-04. The study was conducted by BLCC and CSRD jointly.
UNICEF An analysis of Provincial and district Budgets in Punjab for Allocation of the Social sector. Sponsored by UNICEF Lahore, 2008.
UNDP UNDP-Pak: Baluchistan Area Development Program: Development of Geographic management Information System in 9 Selected Districts of Baluchistan.
UK – Department for International Development (DFID) / Government of Pakistan Budget Reforms under MTBF – Government of Pakistan
Department for International Development (DFID), UK / Government of Pakistan Strengthening National Statistics of Pakistan